Are you looking for an original piece of art that was made just for you? Have you seen something of mine that you like, but maybe the size won’t work with your space? I’m not planning on running out of ideas any time soon, so I can always make something “along the lines” of something I’ve already made.

dead temple visions artifact
10″ octahedron
wood, paint
what is a commission?
Artwork that is commissioned is a piece of art made for the person buying it. Sometimes this involves constraints such as size and weight.
This isn’t to be confused with collaboration. A collaboration is a back and forth process between two or more artists actually creating a piece of art together. If you are an artist and want to collaborate with me, get in touch with me, just not through this form. I’m a sucker for new projects.
That said, I would love to share with you my whole creating / making process and provide entertaining updates along the way.
will you make a duplicate of something you’ve already made?
No, not unless it involves printmaking in which case that’s the whole point. And in that case, I’ve already made the duplicates. I’m glad to make something entirely new based on the same concept as a previous piece, but I’m opposed to just making the same thing again.
time frame
There are a lot of variables to consider, so I’ll just say that sometimes it takes me a day to make a piece and sometimes it takes months. The chances are that I can get something to you in a couple of weeks, but this kind of thing gets ironed out once we get started.
How much do you want to spend? That question really does help me get started. My (non-print) pieces generally sell in the range of $500 to $3,000. Remember that the size of the piece and the distance it needs to travel to its new home can really add up with shipping. I do like road trips and might deliver it myself if it needs to go somewhere interesting.
When everything is agreed on, I will send you an invoice describing the project which asks for 50% of the total, not including shipping. The rest would need to be paid before delivery.
I will accept a check or cash. I pay my taxes so our roads can stay somewhat drivable etc. and this is the best way to show the authorities that I make money.
If you’ve already paid for half of the artwork, I’m not worried you’ll skip town. If you’re worried I might skip town, please remember that I value my reputation (in most circles). Signing the invoice is sufficient.
commission acceptance
It’s possible I just won’t have the time to work on a certain project, in which case I will have to sadly tell you I either need to wait a definite or indefinite amount of time.
Ok now that all of that’s out of the way, please let me know what you’re looking for.