metatronic artwork
how can multiple lines pass through the centers of polyhedra and form a knot, so that each face is identical?
dead temple visions 23X-tile
This is a wall tile recovered from the excavated temple. The room was a small enclosed space with no windows to the outside. The gas lamps we were using revealed the dimensional texture of the tiles. A relevant offering was placed in its stead upon removal. This pattern tiles a plane divided by either triangles…
surface-tiling curves
semi-technical description and examples of a new way to use space-filling curves
rana viam
a way to visualize overwhelming choices
surface-tiling curve hex band
band composed of surface-tiling curve segments
cube sliced by surface-tiling curve
mirrored nets make interlocking cube fragments
exploded hexahedron tiled with a plane-filling curve
A single line bisects a hollow cube into two mirrored sections.